"You are visiting the Institute of Philochrony"

Thursday, June 20, 2013


If we have 8 intelligences, according to Howard Gardner's theory, we can add one more: the philochrony. This intelligence is widely used by historians, anthropologists, cosmologists and futurists. 


Philochronize is the verb that encompasses a series of actions by which we synchronize our minds in the time. Philochronize is the meditation that focuses on the passage of time. These actions are classified into three groups:

1 - When we see the clock time or the date on the calendar.
2 - When we plan our activities of the day or the month.
3 - When we listen soft music.

The benefits of philochronizing are:

a- To orient ourselves in time and to be in harmony with the natural cycles.
b- To use conveniently our free time and to know the precise moment in that we must realize our commitments.
c- To maintain a harmonious rhythm of our activities.
d- The soft music relaxes our mind and eliminates stress.

Saturday, May 25, 2013


The Theory of multiple intelligences is wrong because we must differentiate between intelligence and abilities. This theory is very kind: Everybody is intelligent.

Verbal/Linguistic - Word Smart
Logical/Mathematical - Logic/Math Smart
Visual/Spatial - Art/Space Smart

Bodily/Kinesthetic - Body Smart (The ability to use bodies and hands with great skill.)
Musical - Music Smart
Interpersonal - People Smart
Intrapersonal - Self Smart
Naturalist - Nature Smart (Awareness of the cycle of living world)

Friday, May 24, 2013


Intelligence is the faculty to handle abstract symbols which represent the reality mediately. The main abstract symbols are: letters (Linguistics), numbers (calculation) and figures or patterns (drawing). Linguistics, calculation and drawing are the basic forms of intelligence.

A skill is the activity aimed at achieving a specific purpose: social (sympathy), personal (reflection, intuition), art (painting, sculpture, music, literature, oratory), sports (kinesthesia) and ornamental (woodwork, metalwork, ceramics, embroidery, knitting).

An imitation is the conduct or operation of the human being that are executed by an animal or a robot respectively. Artificial intelligence (AI) is an imitation.

We can consider imitation, skill and intelligence as stages through which man passes in its development. First we imitate, later interact and finally understand.

Friday, April 5, 2013


The ambiphrenia (from Latin ambi = mixed, both and Greek phrenia = intelligence) is the ability of a person to think with both hemispheres of the brain. In right-handed skilfull people the dominant hemisphere is the left, in which are located the logic, the language and the calculation. In the right hemisphere (non-dominant) are located the imagination, the creativity and the spatial understanding.

In fact, the ambiphrenia is also the ability to relate ideas or knowledge (conscious and subconscious) while awake or asleep. In the intuition (subconscious) we discover spontaneously the relationship between things. In dreams we have experiences that are not subject to space or time. In dreams: we can fly, going from one place to another instantly or change the moment or the date. In dreams we are not completely unconscious, reason I can remember some scenes.

Monday, January 14, 2013


The faculties come from the group of ideas: Perception (sensings), Intelligence (concepts), Affection (emotions) and Morality (values​​). The Will is responsible for controlling and organizing ideas and Consciousness allows us to differentiate between the outside world and our inner selves. The conscious and subconscious are states of consciousness, but the relationship between these is active. In waking state (conscious) we have intuitions and the phenomenon of deja-vu (already seen). When we sleep we have lucid dreams.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


The PMPR, also called as PROGRAMMING IN IDEAS RECOGNITION (PIR) is a technique based on the Theory of ideogeny requiring that people be able to describe their inner experiences. It can be used in all ages and all levels of education. Through this technique we can free ourselves of all the anomalies that plague our mind, not only recognizing the problem, but restructuring it to turn it into something positive for us.

Sunday, January 6, 2013


- CALCULATION skill: 3C# is a number, a mathematical entity. The 3 is high association.

- LOGIC skill: 3C> is an argument or conclusion.

- DRAWING skill: 3S)? is a visual image.

- MUSICAL skill: 3S)! is an acoustic image.

- INTUITION: Intuition is the equivalent of the sensing, but immaterial or imperceptible things by the senses. 3Q: is the infinity.

- INTERPERSONAL skill: 3A= is the sympathy with others.

- INTRAPERSONAL Skill: 3S^ is the knowledge of oneself, introspection.

- The understanding of the Theory of ideogeny is a LINGUISTIC skill.

Thursday, January 3, 2013


For some disciplines and social sectors we are:

1 - Statistics ....................... code
2 - Medicine ....................... patient
3 - Sociology ...................... individual
4 - Politics ......................... one vote
5 - Government .................. taxpayers
6 - Economy ....................... employee
7 - Computer science .......... user
8 - Business ........................ customer
9 - Religion ......................... believers or wicked
10 - Biology ........................ organism
11 - Philosophy ................... subject
12 - Theory of ideogeny ....... psyche or soul.

The psyches can be: pure, useful, diseased and polluted. The pure psyches are healthy, useful and without any contamination. The useful psyches are performing a work for the benefit for themselves and for other people. The diseased psyches have some clinical profile. The polluted psyches are performing a work for the benefit for themself, but in detriment to others.

We are all of the above, but without soul or psyche are nothing, we are dead.


- Sort ideas according to their relationship to the basic types and degree of association.

- Personality traits are reduced to a letter and a number that represent and explain their nature.

- Using the Theory of ideogeny we obtain a deeper understanding of how our minds work.


Psyche (from Greek, soul) is the set of basic features as a platform to a person's behavior. The PSYCHE is the human operating system.