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Monday, December 31, 2012


Sensing (S)
-S1 is a person absent of the environment.
-S2 are hallucinations.
-S)1 is light amnesia.
-S)2 is the severe amnesia.
-81 are nightmares (not a pathology).

Concept (C)
-C1 is the mental borderline.
-C2 are language disorders: aphasia and dyslexia. Dyscalculia.
-C3 is mental retardation.
-O1 are deliriums.
-Q1 is the sterile thought (not a pathology).

Affections (V)
-A1 is shyness and stage fright.
-A2 are the frustrations and conflicts.
-A3 are affective disorders: anxiety, depression and phobias.

Values ​​(V)
-V1 is the corrupt and vicious person.
-V2 is the psychopath person (robber and rapist).
-V3 is the criminal and terrorist one.


The sensations are caused by the action of stimulus on our senses. In the representation we evoke previous sensations with the help of memory. Dreams are a product of repressed or unrealized desires.

Concepts are formed from abstractions. Abstraction is the process in which we separate common qualities to different objects. The beliefs and superstitions are the result of ignorance. Through out a process of reflection we intuit new concepts for us or for a specific field of knowledge.

Human being is biopsychosocial, so they learn from others their attitudes, emotions, stereotypes and values.


Sensing (S)
S3 is an alert person and S1 distracted person.
S)3 is someone who thinks a lot and S)1 is a person who thinks little.
83 is a person with great oneiric activities and 81 is a little oneiric activity.

Concept (C)
C3 is having abstract and complex thinking and C1 is having simple thinking.
O3 is a believer and superstitious person and O1 is a skeptical person.
Q3 is a person who has many intuitions and Q1 lack thereof.

Affection (A) and value (V)
A3 is a sentimental and emotional person and A1 is unfriendly person.
V3 is a fair and prudent person and V1 is an unfair and vicious person.


One idea is the image or mental representation. We have many ideas, but they all stem from four basic types: sensing (S), concept (C), affection (A) and value (V). The sensing is a specific or particular idea and has the following variations: S) which is the representation and 8 (the S closed) are dreams. The concept is a general idea and varies as follows: O (the C closed) representing beliefs or dogmas and Q (the O with an appendix) representing intuitions.

Affections (particular reactive ideas) are the set of emotions and feelings and values ​​are moral or ideological principles (general) that guide a society or a person.

The ideas are associated or related in different degrees: 3 (high), 2 (medium), 1 (low) and script - (presence of an abnormality). For example -A1 may be a light depression or anxiety. -V2 can be a psychopathy.


The ambiphrenia (from Latin ambi = mixed, both and Greek phrenia = intelligence) is the ability of a person to think with both hemispheres of the brain. In right-handed skilfull people the dominant hemisphere is the left, in which are located the logic, the language and the calculation. In the right hemisphere (non-dominant) are located the imagination, the creativity and the spatial understanding.

In fact, the ambiphrenia is also the ability to relate ideas or knowledge (conscious and subconscious) while awake or asleep. In the intuition (subconscious) we discover spontaneously the relationship between things. In dreams we have experiences that are not subject to space or time. In dreams: we can fly, going from one place to another instantly or change the moment or the date. In dreams we are not completely unconscious, reason I can remember some scenes.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

How does the Humanistic Behaviorism work?

The H. B. works reinforcing behaviors of: self-realization, development of intellect, politeness, gentleness and seriousness. The H. B. disapproved behaviors of: delinquency, aggression, cunning trickster, the sexmania, excessive ambition, selfishness, arrogance, bigotry and social prejudice. The H. B. also stimulates the practice of creativity and reflection in those cases that are manifest these traits. Reinforcement is a concept of Behaviorism, but this current studies only observable aspects of behavior ignoring mental aspects of the individual. In our therapeutic practice we emphasize skills and virtues that mostly presents the subject. The reinforcement of these it will make the weaknesses and defects have no effect on behavior.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Types of Traits according Sibilia

"Trait is a scientific concept that summarizes the behaviors that people perform in different situations and occasions. Traits are constructs that help describe individual differences. According to Eysenck are provisions allowing describe people and predict their behavior. They aren't observable, but they are inferred to observe certain facts (behaviors). Thus, an arrangement characteristic behavior is expressed in consistent patterns of operation over a wide range of situations. It constitutes a continuous dimension along which people are placed". Neutral (N): a) Extravert: Sociable and friendly. b) Introvert: shy and quiet. Positive (+): c) Studious or diligent: outstanding in the group class, gets good grades, because he likes studying, reads a lot. d) Decent or polite: Meets the standards and norms of harmonious human relations, not rude. e) Peaceful and quiet: It relates to the lymphatic temperament, emotional stability, he projects an inner peace . f) Serious or formal: he/she is responsible and his/her word is law unto him/herself. He/She Knows the difference between moments of solemnity and of jovialities. Negative (-): g) Delinquent: It's violator of the laws established by society. h) Aggressive: It's mad, sometimes become uncontrollable. i) Astute: It's deceiver, enjoy cheating, either to hide a wrong action or to carry out a criminal act. j) Sexmania: the exaggerated obsession with sex. Other traits, but less common, are: a) Creative: It provides new ideas, that they can be artistic, intellectual, religious, etc. b) Thinker: It speculates on various topics. It always finds an answer to his/her questions.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Classification of Behavior Principles.

AFFECTIVE: II. - We can have nostalgia, Without going into depression. VI. - We can dream awake, Without gettings illusions. XI. - We can love a person, Without going to idolize. SOCIAL: VII. - We can be social, Without getting egocentrism. VIII. - We can have authority, Without going to selfishness. IX. - We can want money, Without reaching ambition. INTELLECTUAL: III. - We can be thoughtful, intuitive or creative Without going to extravagance. IV. - We can read much, Without going to think that we know everything. IDEOLOGICAL: I. - We can have beliefs and ideologies, Without going into fanaticism. V. - We can believe in god, Without reaching religious discrimination. INSTINCTIVE: X. - We can eat, Without going to gluttony. XII. - We can have sex, Without going brutality.

Satisfaction and self-actualization

The satisfaction is the fulfillment of a need, desire or passion in particular. Self-actualization is the total fulfillment of one's talents and abilities, the realization of a person's potential. Through self-actualization, one makes "actual" what was once only possible (for example, a talented singer becomes the best soloist that person could possibly be). Some psychologists explain human motivation with the concept of self-actualization. Twentieth-century psychologist Carl Rogers argued that all people seek self-actualization and that this drive accounts for why they do some of what they do (as well as for personality development). In 1943 Abraham Maslow suggested that humans act to meet a hierarchy of needs, the last of which is self-actualization. Self-actualization is typically taken to be a lengthy, difficult process. But more than the fulfillment of our desires, it's the overcoming of the obstacles that come up that produce us the true fulfillment: the Self-actualization.

Personality Scheme

Personality is the set of traits that characterizes an individual. The mind is the entity that controls behavior and it's formed for ideas, feelings and motives. The Ego is the awareness of one's own identity.

Maslow's Hierarchy of needs


Psychology is the science that studies human conduct and the higher animals'. The behavior is the particular way in which people conduct. In general the fundamental forms of behavior are: verbal, emotional and gestural. Derived forms of behavior are: intellectual, artistic, moral, religious and ideological. The instincts and reflexes are inherited forms of behavior. The ideas and thoughts correspond to private or subjective behavior. Humanistic Behaviorism is based on three principles: 
1 - The human being, psychically, is an indivisible unit. 
2 - The study and the adjustement of personality is integral. 
3 - All psychological schools have right points on behavior. Laws of balanced behavior are: 
I. - We can have beliefs and ideologies, Without going into fanaticism. II. - We can have nostalgia, Without going into depression. 
III. - We can be thoughtful, intuitive or creative Without going to extravagance. 
IV. - We can read much, Without going to think that we know everything. 
V. - We can believe in god, Without reaching religious discrimination. VI. - We can dream awake, Without gettings illusions. 
VII. - We can be social, Without getting egocentrism. 
VIII. - We can have authority, Without going to selfishness. 
IX. - We can want money, Without reaching ambition. 
X. - We can eat, Without going to gluttony. 
XI. - We can love a person, Without going to idolize. 
XII. - We can have sex, Without becoming exhausted.